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Archives Women

October 98, Women's division (2 teams): text from Theo Michael

The women's division by Gary Cohen, January 99

Interview by ex-player from CASC, september 99

Comparing men and women, from ex-player of CASC, october 99

Recaps from november 99 to march 2000

Recaps March 2000 to April 2000 (with the finals)

La saison 1999-2000 (Third consecutive championship by the Black), par Régent Proulx, Avril 2000.

CASC players of the year, chez les femmes, 2000.

From Jimmy Garoufalis, about Black team, January 2000

From Jimmy Garoufalis: Jennifer Jones Patulli's nickname, march 2000

Men in the women's division, by Paula Déry, March 2000

Recap septembre à décembre 2001

Recaps et autres, 2002-2003, 2003-04

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